Free Resources

At Purpose Built by Laura, we believe in empowering values-driven individuals with the tools, insights, and guidance they need to thrive.

Whether you’re just thinking about some ideas, starting out or looking to scale your business, these free resources are designed to support your journey.

Test Your Business Idea's Potential

Don't risk your time, money, and reputation without first understanding your numbers. Stop wondering if your good idea will pay out. 

Get our financial feasibility toolkit to get started.


Free One-Hour Strategy Call

Need personalized guidance? Book a free one-hour strategy call with Laura to discuss your business challenges, goals, and next steps.

Whether you’re transitioning from the nonprofit sector, scaling your social enterprise, or refining your business model, this call is designed to provide actionable insights tailored to your needs.


Helpful Links and Additional Resources

Explore these (ever evolving) curated resources:

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